Binary To Decimal Converter

Binary to Decimal Converter

Use the fields below to convert from binary to decimal and vice versa


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Table of Contents

About the binary to decimal converter

This free online binary to decimal number converter helps you to convert binary to decimal and vice versa.

If you want to know the decimal value of 1010 or the corresponding value of 52,893 in binary, this converter will help you.

In this article, you will see:

  • How to use binary to decimal number converter?
  • What are binary numbers?
  • What is the relationship between binary numbers and computing?

How to use the converter?

To convert binary number to decimal using this converter, simply input the values to be converted in the calculator fields:

  • Binary:  In this field you type the value in binary that you want to convert to decimal, the result will appear in real time in the 'Decimal' field;
  • Decimal:  As in the 'Binary' field, in this field you enter the decimal value you want to convert to binary and the result will appear in real time in the 'Binary' field.

Click 'Clear' to clear both form fields.

What are binary numbers?

Binary numbers make up the binary number system, and they are made up of only two numbers, hence the name binary, they are 0 and 1.

The history of the binary number system goes by several names, among them perhaps the best known of Gottfried Leibniz, a German mathematician.

But other evidence shows that some other mathematicians throughout history would have also created and written about binary number systems.

Binary numbers and computing

Binary numbers, also called base 2 numbers, are important in the history of computers because they convert voltages into bits using the binary system.

You may have heard that computer programs are nothing more than a string of zeros and ones.

Well, this is because a low voltage is translated into 0 while a higher voltage is translated into 1. Thus, the computer translates a sequence of 8 bits as a byte, which is a unit of memory in computation.

The history of binary numbers

The history of binary numbers goes back to the 17th century, when the German philosopher and mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz proposed a number system composed only of 0 and 1. However, the idea of a number system based on two elements had already been mentioned by others. mathematicians before him.

Leibniz was convinced that the binary system was the best way to represent Boolean logic, which is the basis of modern computing. He believed that the binary system would allow the creation of a universal language of symbols that could be used to represent all human knowledge.

Although Leibniz's idea was well received by some of his contemporaries, it was not widely adopted until the 20th century, when computing technology had developed enough to make binary representation practical and efficient.

Today, binary numbers are a fundamental part of computing technology and are used to represent everything from images and audio to complex computer programs. Without Leibniz's discovery, modern computing might have taken a very different and less efficient path.

Applications of binary numbers

Binary numbers are widely used in computing technology, but they also have many other applications in areas such as telecommunications, electronics and engineering.

In telecommunication, binary numbers are used to represent digital signals, which allows for more efficient and reliable data transmission. In electronics, logic circuits are built around logic gates that operate on binary signals.

Binary numbers are also widely used in cryptography, where they are used to represent cryptographic keys that ensure the security of electronic communication. Also, many computer games and mobile applications use binary logic to function properly.

In summary, binary numbers are a fundamental part of modern technology and have a wide variety of applications in many different areas.

Advantages and disadvantages of using binary numbers

Just like any other tool or technology, binary numbers have their advantages and disadvantages. Some of the main ones are:


  • Efficiency:  the binary system is the most efficient for electronic computing, as logic circuits operate on high and low voltage signals, which correspond to 1 and 0, respectively;
  • Simplification:  the use of just two digits simplifies calculations and operations, making them faster and more accurate;
  • Ease of Transmission:  binary signals are easier to transmit and store than analog signals, as they do not suffer interference or loss of information.


  • Limitations on the representation of numbers:  the binary system can only represent whole numbers, which can be limiting in some applications;
  • Difficulty in understanding:  binary logic can be difficult for people who are not electronics or programming experts to understand;
  • Error sensitivity:  as binary signals are composed of only two digits, any error in transmission or storage can lead to data loss or corruption.

In summary, binary numbers are a powerful and essential tool in modern technology, but it is important to understand their limitations and challenges in order to use them properly.

Representation of negative numbers in binary

So far, we've discussed how positive numbers are represented in binary. But what about negative numbers? How are they represented?

One way to represent negative numbers in binary is to use the most significant (leftmost) bit as a sign bit. If the sign bit is 0, the number is positive. If it is 1, the number is negative.

However, there is a downside to this method. When you try to add two numbers in binary, you might end up with the wrong result if the two numbers have different signs. This is because adding two negative numbers can result in a positive number, which leads to miscalculations.

To solve this problem, another way of representing negative numbers in binary, known as two's complement, was developed. In this method, the negative number is represented by the two's complement of the corresponding positive number.

For example, the number -3 in binary would be represented as the two's complement of the number 3 in binary. The number 3 in binary is 0011, so the two's complement would be 1101.

Two's complement lets you add and subtract numbers in binary without miscalculations, and it makes it easy to compare positive and negative numbers. However, its implementation is more complex than the simple use of the sign bit.

This is the most common way of representing negative numbers in computational systems and it is important that users are aware of how it works to avoid calculation errors and problems with the interpretation of results.

Frequently asked questions about the subject

What is binary to decimal conversion?

Binary to decimal conversion is the process of converting a binary number (composed only of 0s and 1s) into its decimal form (base 10), which we commonly use in our everyday numerical system.

How to perform binary to decimal conversion?

To convert a binary number to decimal, you can use the position method. For each binary digit, you assign a weight (power of 2) corresponding to its position and then sum the weighted values. For example, to convert 1011 to decimal: (1 * 2^3) + (0 * 2^2) + (1 * 2^1) + (1 * 2^0) = 8 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 11.

Can I convert binary numbers with decimal point to decimal?

Yes, binary numbers with a decimal point can be converted to decimal. In this case, the decimal point separates the integer part from the fractional part. You can convert the integer part normally and then convert the fractional part by multiplying each binary digit by the weight corresponding to the negative positions, such as 2^(-1), 2^(-2), 2^(-3), and so on.

Is there an easier way to convert large binary numbers to decimal?

To convert large binary numbers to decimal more efficiently, you can use programming methods such as the Horner's algorithm or the successive divisions method. These methods are particularly useful for automated conversions.

How to manually convert a binary number to decimal?

Step 1:
Write down the binary number.

Step 2:
Assign weights to the positions of each binary digit, starting from 2^0 at the rightmost position and increasing in powers of 2 as you move to the left.

Step 3:
Multiply each binary digit by its corresponding weight and sum the results.

Step 4:
The final result is the equivalent decimal number.

Why is the binary system used in computers?

The binary system is used in computers due to its ease of implementation in digital electronic circuits. Electronic devices can easily represent the values 0 and 1, making the binary system ideal for logical operations and digital information storage.

Who was the mathematician responsible for the development of the binary system?

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, a famous German mathematician, was one of the first to develop the idea of a binary numerical system in the 17th century. He believed that the binary system was more fundamental and represented a purer mathematical basis than other numerical systems.

Why is the conversion between binary and decimal fundamental in computing?

The conversion between binary and decimal is fundamental in computing because most systems and programming languages use the decimal system for data input and display. However, internal operations in computers are performed in binary. Therefore, conversion is necessary to facilitate the interaction between internal binary systems and external decimal systems.

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