
How to learn subtraction

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Subtraction is a fundamental mathematical operation, which allows calculations of discount, difference between values and many other applications. Learning to subtract is essential for developing math skills and can be an easy and fun task.

The history of subtraction

Subtraction is one of the fundamental operations of mathematics and is used in several areas of knowledge, from engineering to accounting. The history of subtraction goes back thousands of years, being used by many ancient civilizations.

Subtraction is believed to have emerged independently in different cultures around the world. For example, the Egyptian civilization used subtraction to perform complex geometry calculations, which were necessary in the construction of monuments such as the pyramids. They also used subtraction to solve counting problems and to carry out business transactions.

In ancient Greece, subtraction was used by mathematicians to solve geometric and arithmetic problems. The philosopher Pythagoras, famous for his theorem, also contributed to the development of subtraction by proposing methods for performing subtractive calculations.

During the Middle Ages, subtraction continued to be used in many areas, especially in accounting and commerce. It was during this period that modern mathematical notation emerged, with the use of signs to represent mathematical operations, including subtraction.

In the 17th century, the French mathematician Pierre de Fermat developed a method for calculating the rate of change in calculus problems, which involved the use of subtraction. This method became known as differential and integral calculus, and is still widely used today in areas such as physics and engineering.

Another important mathematician who contributed to the development of subtraction was Carl Friedrich Gauss, considered one of the greatest mathematicians in history. He developed methods for solving linear equations and for performing probability calculations, which involved the use of subtraction.

In summary, the history of subtraction is rich and complex, and it is closely linked to the development of mathematics as a science. Over the centuries, several civilizations used subtraction to solve practical and theoretical problems, contributing to the advancement of mathematical knowledge. Nowadays, subtraction remains one of the fundamental operations of mathematics, and it is essential for many areas of knowledge, from engineering to economics.

How to teach kids subtraction

Subtraction can be taught in a simple and fun way for children. It's important to start with small amounts and work with concrete objects like blocks or coins. Using educational games and challenges can help make learning more interesting and effective. In addition, constant practice is essential to fix the concept.

Examples of subtractions

Some simple subtractions can be:

5 - 3 = 2
8 - 2 = 6
10 - 7 = 3

Use CalculatorForUs's basic calculator to learn and also teach how to do subtraction calculations.

Places to learn to subtract

Subtraction can be learned in different places, such as at school, through books and exercises, or on the internet, on educational websites and applications. It is also possible to learn subtraction through games and games at home, with the help of parents or guardians.

What is the ideal age to start learning to subtract?

Subtraction is one of the fundamental mathematical operations and is taught in primary schools all over the world. However, many parents wonder what is the ideal age to start teaching their children subtraction.

Typically, teachers begin teaching students subtraction in the second grade of elementary school, when children are an average of seven years old. This occurs after children have learned to add and already have a basic understanding of mathematical operations.

However, it is important to remember that every child is unique and learns at their own pace. Some children may be ready to learn subtraction before second grade, while others may need more time and additional support to understand the operation. Therefore, it is important for parents and teachers to look at each child's individual math skills and adapt instruction accordingly.

Parents can encourage their children's math skills at home in a variety of ways, such as playing games involving subtraction. For example, asking the child to subtract quantities of objects or money can help him develop a basic understanding of the operation. You can also use mobile math apps that offer subtraction games and activities.

For parents who want to teach their children subtraction at home, it's important to remember that practice is key. It is necessary to offer frequent subtraction exercises for the child, always in a playful and fun way, so that he can practice the operation and improve his mathematical skills.

In summary, there is no exact age to start teaching children subtraction, but it is usually from the second grade of elementary school. However, every child is unique and learns at their own pace, so it is important to look at individual math skills and adapt instruction accordingly. Parents can encourage their child's math skills at home through math games and apps, and practice is key to honing subtraction skills.

Facts about subtraction

  •  Subtraction can be seen as the inverse operation of addition.
  •  The word "subtraction" comes from the Latin "subtrahere", which means "to take away from under".
  •  The minus symbol (-) is represented by a horizontal line in Chinese and Japanese mathematics.
  •  The Italian mathematician Fibonacci was the first to use the subtraction algorithm in Europe.
  •  Subtraction can also be used to find the distance between two points. For example, if you want to know the distance between your home and school, you can subtract the latitude and longitude of your school from the latitude and longitude of your home.
  •  Subtraction is used in many areas of science, such as physics and chemistry, to calculate the difference between two quantities. For example, subtraction is used to calculate the temperature difference between two points on an object.
  •  Subtraction is also used in many games and puzzles such as Sudoku and board games such as chess. The ability to accurately subtract is an important skill for chess players as it helps calculate the best moves.
  •  Subtraction can also be used to check whether an answer is correct. For example, if you're doing addition and want to check if the answer is correct, you can subtract the original numbers from the answer you got to see if the result is zero.


Subtraction is one of the four fundamental math operations, and it is extremely important for developing more advanced math skills. In this article, we discuss the history of subtraction, how to teach subtraction to children, examples of subtractions, places to learn subtraction, the ideal age to start learning subtraction, fun facts about subtraction, when subtraction began to be taught in schools and we answer frequently asked questions about the topic.

Throughout the article, we learn that subtraction has a long history that goes back to ancient civilizations such as Babylonian and Egyptian. We've seen that teaching children subtraction can be challenging, but there are several effective strategies that can be used to help children understand and apply subtraction.

In addition, we discuss the importance of practical examples for learning subtraction, as well as places where subtraction can be learned and practiced, such as educational games and online learning sites. The ideal age to start learning subtraction was presented, as well as fun facts about subtraction, such as the curiosity that the first mechanical calculator was designed to perform subtraction operations.

Finally, it was discussed when subtraction began to be taught in schools, which indicates that it is a fundamental mathematical skill and has been taught for many years. We answer frequently asked questions about subtraction, such as the best way to practice subtraction and whether subtraction can be used in everyday situations.

We conclude that subtraction is a fundamental math skill that is important for everyday life and for the development of more advanced math skills. There are many resources available to help children learn subtraction, and with practice and patience, they can become proficient in this important math operation.

Frequently asked questions about the subject

When did subtraction begin to be taught in schools?

Subtraction began to be taught in European schools from the 16th century along with other basic mathematical operations.

Is it necessary to have advanced knowledge in mathematics to learn how to subtract?

No, subtraction is one of the basic math operations and can be learned by anyone with basic math skills.

What are the best ways to learn to subtract?

There are many ways to learn to subtract, including using teaching materials, educational games, and practice exercises. It's important to find the approach that best fits your learning style.

How can I practice subtraction?

There are several online tools and resources available to practice subtraction, including educational games, math exercises, and video tutorials.

How can I help my child learn to subtract?

You can help your child learn to subtract in a variety of ways, such as through educational games, practice exercises, and conversations about the importance of subtraction in everyday life.

How important is it to learn to subtract?

Subtraction is one of the basic math operations and is essential for developing more advanced math skills. In addition, it is an important skill for everyday life, such as shopping and calculating change.

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