Basic Calculator



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Table of Contents

About the basic calculator

Welcome to the free basic online calculator from CalculatorForUs, a calculator that, while basic, is comprehensive and packed with features to assist you with everyday calculations.

It contains a simple and user-friendly interface so that its use is fluid and easy.

Feel free to calculate anything you want on it, it's free and always will be.

Keep reading to understand:

  • How to use the basic calculator?
  • What is a calculator?

How to use the basic calculator?

There are no secrets to using this calculator. The buttons on your panel will print their characters or functions on the main screen and, when you click on the red button with the '=' (equal) sign or press 'enter' on your keyboard, the mathematical operation that is printed on the screen will be executed.

If the operation printed on the screen is correct when the '=' button is pressed, the result of the operation will be shown on the display. If the mathematical operation performed contains errors, the response will be 'Error'.


  • Numeric buttons :
    • 1-9 and '.' :  They are the buttons that print the numbers and the point on the calculator.
  • Calculate button :
    • = :  This is the button that calculates the operation printed on the calculator panel, it can be activated by the 'enter' key on the keyboard.
  • Basic operations buttons :
    • - :  Prints the minus sign;
    • + :  Prints the plus sign;
    • * :  Prints the multiplication sign;
    • / :  Prints the division sign.
  • Reverse button :
    • ± :  This button inverts positive numbers to negative and vice versa.
  • Clear buttons :
    • :  This button clears the last character of the calculator panel, it can be activated by the 'backspace' key on the keyboard;
    • Clean :  This button clears the entire panel.
  • Symbol and function buttons :
    • √ :  Prints the root symbol;
    • ^ :  Prints the power symbol;
    • :  Prints ^2 (squared) on the calculator;
    • :  Prints ^3 (cubed) on the calculator;
    • % :  Prints the percent symbol;
    • ( e ) :  Prints the opening '(' and closing ')' signs of parentheses;
    • mod :  Prints 'mod' on the calculator (remainder division operation);
    • π :  Prints the Pi number symbol;
    • e :  Prints the symbol for the constant 'e' (Euler's number).


This calculator contains an operation history system. Whenever a new operation is performed, it will be added to the memory just above the panel.

This system helps the user by showing the operations that have already been done to find out how the current result was reached.

A history is composed of operation and result. Thus, it is visible which operation was performed and the result obtained.

Secondary Panel

The secondary panel is just below the main panel and displays a preview of what will be the result of the operation printed on the main panel.

What is a calculator?

To explain in a few words, a calculator is nothing more than a device used to perform calculations.

Although the term calculator today is more related to the digital calculator, that device is often small, with numerical buttons and batteries. Or even the smartphone calculator, very practical. Calculators have been around for a long time.

We have for example the abacus, an ancient instrument of calculation. Anciently made of wood, the abacus is a rectangular instrument that contained tokens that slid along rods.

Over time, mechanical calculators were invented, which were larger than the desktop computers common today.

The history of calculators

The history of calculators begins with the first numbering systems used by ancient people. From Mesopotamia to Egypt, humans have used methods for counting and calculating since time immemorial.

The first mechanical devices for calculating numbers date back to the 17th century, with the calculating machines of the French mathematician Blaise Pascal and the German Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. These early mechanical calculators were capable of just basic addition and subtraction, but they were much faster and more accurate than the manual methods previously used.

In the 19th century, a series of inventors created more advanced mechanical calculators, capable of performing more complex operations, such as multiplication and division. Charles Babbage, for example, designed the "Differential Engine", a mechanical calculator for calculating mathematical functions.

With the rise of computers in the 1940s, mechanical calculators were quickly replaced by electronic devices. The first electronic calculator for general use was the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer), developed in the United States in 1945.

From there, electronic calculators evolved rapidly, becoming increasingly compact, powerful and versatile. Texas Instruments released the first pocket calculator in 1967, and Hewlett-Packard released its first scientific calculator in 1972.

Today, electronic calculators are integrated into a wide variety of electronic devices, from cell phones to personal computers and tablets. Calculators are also widely used in various fields such as finance, science, engineering and education.

Despite the growing popularity of electronic calculators and computers, many people still prefer to use basic calculators for simple, everyday operations. Basic calculators can be found in stationery and electronics stores, and are widely used by students, teachers, accountants and professionals in general.

In short, the history of calculators is one of continuous evolution from manual counting to advanced electronic devices. Calculators have played an important role in facilitating calculation in many areas, and they continue to evolve and adapt to the needs of the modern world.

Advantages of using our basic calculator

Our calculator can be an essential tool for people in different areas of work, such as finance, engineering, mathematics, science, among others. It turns complex tasks into simple operations, making life easier and more productive. In addition, there are other advantages of using our calculator, check below:

  • Convenient access  One of the main advantages of using our basic online calculator is the convenient access it provides. Unlike physical calculators, which are often bulky and heavy, our online calculator can be accessed from any device with internet access, including computers, tablets and smartphones. This means you don't need to carry a physical calculator or app on your device to perform quick calculations;
  • Without cost  While some online calculators may require a subscription or fee to access more advanced features, our basic online calculator is free. This means you can access a variety of functions and features at no additional cost;
  • Economy  Using our calculator can save you money in the long run, especially in areas that require complex and frequent calculations. By using our calculator, it is possible to avoid miscalculations that can lead to significant financial losses;
  • Efficiency  One of the most obvious advantages of our calculator is the efficiency it brings. Calculators are capable of performing complex calculations in seconds, something that would take a long time if done manually. With the help of a calculator, it is possible to save time and increase productivity in various areas of work;
  • Precision  Our basic calculator is designed to perform accurate calculations, eliminating human errors. The results are reliable and accurate, ensuring more security and reliability in activities that require precision in calculations.

In short, our basic calculator is an essential tool for many fields of work, making tasks more efficient, accurate and cost-effective.

Frequently asked questions about the subject

Is the basic calculator free?

While some online calculators might require a subscription or fee for access to more advanced features, our basic online calculator is provided for free. This implies that you can enjoy a variety of functions and resources without any additional costs.

Is the basic online calculator regularly updated?

Yes, the basic calculator is regularly updated to ensure it is functioning correctly and to add new functionalities and features.

Read our articles on education

How to learn addition

How to learn subtraction

How to learn division

How to learn multiplication

How to calculate percentage?