Percentage Calculator

Percentage Calculation 1

(Ex.: How much is 50% of 10? = 5)

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Percentage Calculation 2

(Ex.: The value 20 is what percentage of 40? = 50%)

Fields with * are mandatory

Percentage Calculation 3

(Ex.: What is the percentage change from 10 to 15? = 50%)

Fields with * are mandatory


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Table of Contents

About the percentage calculators

This page contains free online percentage calculators that will help you calculate percentages more easily without needing to remember formulas or do calculations by hand.

An online percentage calculator is an essential tool for simplifying the calculation of proportions and discounts, turning complex tasks into quick and accurate calculations.

There are three calculators available to you, each calculating percentage in a different way and thus helping you with the calculation you need.

Are they:

  • Percentage Calculation 1:  The most common percentage calculation, this calculator tells you how much a value refers to a percentage of a certain other value;
  • Percentage Calculation 2:  Use this calculator when you need to know how much a value refers to as a percentage of another value;
  • Percentage Calculation 3:  This calculator answers what is the percentage change from one value to another, that is, how much a value decreases or increases in percentage to another value.

Keep reading to understand:

  • How to use the percentage calculators?
  • What is percentage?

How to use the percentage calculators?

It is very simple to use the calculators, see below how to calculate percentage in each one of them:

  • Percentage Calculation 1:  Fill in the field values and then click on the 'Calculate' button.
    • How much is:  Enter the percentage value here;
    • Of:  Enter the numeric value you want to find the percentage of the previous field.
  • Percentage Calculation 2:  Enter the values in the fields and then click on the 'Calculate' button to perform the calculation.
    • The value:  Enter here the value you want to find out the percentage of the next field;
    • Is what percentage of:  Here, the value that the value in the previous field refers to must be entered.
  • Percentage Calculation 3:  Click on the 'Calculate' button after filling in the values in the fields below:
    • What is the percentage change from:  In the context of this calculator, where we want to find out the percentage change from one value to another, the initial value must be entered in this field;
    • To:  Following the logic of the calculator, enter here the final value for calculating the percentage change from the value of the previous field.

All calculators have a 'Clean' button that serves to clear the fields of the calculator form in question.

What is percentage?

In a nutshell, percentage is a value represented as a fraction of 100. Hence, the name, which comes from the Latin 'per centum' and means 'per hundred'. The percentage symbol is the %.

We use the percentage to represent the proportion of a whole evaluated as a hundred. For example, if the whole is 10, it means that 10 is 100% (one hundred percent), so half or 50% (fifty percent) is 5.

The percentage is widely used in our day-to-day. With it, we evaluate growth and decrease of prices, shares, salaries, statistics and much more.

Examples of using the percentage calculators

Let's see some examples of using percentage calculators to learn more about their use?

  • Percentage Calculation 1:
    • Example 1:  Marina and Fernanda went to a restaurant for dinner and decided to split the bill, which was $335.60. However, Fernanda said she would pay 60% of the bill, because she was the one who invited Marina. To perform the division, Marina used the CalculatorForUs percentage calculator 1 to divide the bill. So she typed in the first field the value 60 and in the second field she typed 335.60 and clicked 'Calculate'. The result was 201.36, which is the amount that Fernanda paid, so Marina paid the rest;
    • Example 2:  Marli was going to get a pay raise at work and was told she would get a 25% raise, to find out how much more money she would get, she accessed the CalculatorForUs percentage calculator 1 and entered the value 25 in the first field, referring to the percentage of the raise, and in the second field typed 3,000, which was her old salary. After clicking the 'Calculate' button, she got the result that her raise would be $750.00;
  • Percentage Calculation 2:  Magali made the purchase of the month for her house, and when she arrived from the market, she realized that she had bought a lot of goodies. She added it up and found that she spent $200.00 just on goodies. Since the total grocery bill was $900.00, she wanted to find out what percentage of the amount spent at the grocery store went to candy alone. To do this, she accessed the CalculatorForUs Percentage Calculator 2 and entered the value of the goodies, 200.00, in the first field, and in the second field, she entered the total purchase amount, 900.00. She clicked on the 'Calculate' button and got the result of 22,222% which is the percentage of the total spent on goodies when purchasing Magali;
  • Percentage Calculation 3:  Marcelo needed to change the oil in his car and went to his trusted workshop and, when he arrived at the workshop, he discovered that the value for the oil change had risen from $100.00 to $135.00. Marcelo then decided to access the CalculatorForUs percentage calculator 3 to evaluate the percentage variation of the service. He then typed in the first field the initial value 100.00 and in the second field 135.00 which is the new value for the oil change. After clicking on 'Calculate', the calculator showed you the result, which is a 35% increase in the value of the service;

Frequently asked questions about the subject

How do I calculate a percentage?

To calculate a percentage, you need to divide the value you want to find the percentage of by the total and then multiply by 100. For example, if you want to calculate 20% of 100, you would perform the following operation: 20/100 x 100 = 20.

How can I use percentages in my daily life?

Percentages are widely used in various situations, such as in discounted purchases, interest calculations, rate calculations, and more.

How can I calculate the original value of a product with a discount?

To calculate the original value of a product with a discount, simply divide the discounted value by the discount percentage and multiply by 100. For example, if a product costs $80 with a 20% discount, the original value would be calculated as follows: 80 / (100 - 20) x 100 = $100.

How do I calculate the percentage change between two values?

To calculate the percentage change between two values, divide the difference between the values by the original value and then multiply by 100. For example, if a product was originally priced at $100 and now costs $80, the percentage change would be calculated as follows: (100 - 80) / 100 x 100 = 20%.

How can I calculate the percentage increase of a value?

To calculate the percentage increase of a value, divide the difference between the current value and the original value by the original value and then multiply by 100. For example, if a product originally cost $100 and now costs $120, the percentage increase would be calculated as follows: (120 - 100) / 100 x 100 = 20%.

How can I calculate the percentage of a negative number?

Percentage calculations work the same way with negative numbers, but it's important to remember that the percentage of a negative number will always be negative. For example, if I want to calculate -20% of -100, I would perform the following operation: -20/100 x -100 = 20.

How do companies use percentages in their businesses?

Companies use percentages in various aspects of their businesses, such as profit calculations, expenses, taxes, profit margins, and more. Additionally, it is common to use percentages in marketing strategies, such as discount campaigns and promotions.

Are percentage calculators easy to use?

Yes, our percentage calculators are designed to be simple and intuitive. Just enter the necessary values and the desired percentage, and the calculator will perform the calculation automatically.

Are percentage calculators free?

Yes, our percentage calculators are completely free. There is no need to create an account or pay any fees.

Can I access the percentage calculators on different types of devices, such as computers and smartphones?

Yes, our percentage calculators are compatible with different types of devices, including computers, smartphones, and tablets. You can access the calculator anytime and anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection.

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