Weekday Calculator

What is the day of the week of a date?

Enter the date to find out which day of the week it falls on

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Table of Contents

About the day of the week calculator

CalculatorForUs's free online day of the week calculator will show you the day of the week for any given date you enter.

If you want to find out what day of the week your next birthday falls, or that other important date, or if you want to know what day of the week you were born on, this is the right tool for you!

Read on for answers to the following questions:

  • How is the day of the week calculator used?
  • Why know the day of the week of a date?
  • Why does the week have 7 days?

How to use the day of the week calculator?

There's no secret to using CalculatorForUs's day of the week calculator, just enter the date you want to find out what day of the week it was or will be. Here is the description of the field:

  • Select the date  Here you must enter the date you want to know the day of the week.

After filling in the single field of the form, click on the 'Calculate' button and the calculator will calculate and show you the result.

If you want to do other calculations with other data, click on the 'Clean' button to clear the form fields.

Tip: if your browser supports it, a small calendar icon will appear in the 'Select date' field and, when you click on it, you will have the option of selecting the desired dates from an interactive calendar that makes your navigation much easier.

What is a day of the week calculator for?

Well, in a nutshell, to know the day of the week! There's no secret, you may be wanting to find out what day of the week Christmas falls or if that holiday will be in the middle or at the end of the week.

Anyway, it can be very useful to find out the day of the week of a date, now, if you are looking to know how much time is left for a date, you can use our time remaining calculator.

A day of the week calculator can be very helpful for people in various situations. Here are some of the main uses of this tool:

  • Event planning:  By using a day of the week calculator, you can easily find out which day of the week a given date will fall on. This is particularly useful for people planning events such as weddings, birthdays and meetings, as they can choose the day of the week that best suits their guests' availability.
  • Travel organization:  When planning a trip, it's important to know what day of the week a given date will fall on. With a weekday calculator, it's easy to determine which days of the week a trip can start and end, which can help you better plan your itinerary and avoid scheduling conflicts.
  • Financial planning:  For many people, financial planning involves receiving salary or benefits on specific days of the week. With a weekday calculator, you can easily determine which day of the week a given date will fall on, which can help you better plan your spending and avoid late payments.
  • Studies:  When it comes to certain areas of study, such as history or astronomy, it is important to know on which day of the week an event occurred. For example, when studying the French Revolution, it is important to know that the Bastille was taken on a Tuesday, as this can help to understand the historical context of that event.
  • Curiosity:  Many people are simply curious about what day of the week a given date falls or will fall. A day of the week calculator can satisfy that curiosity quickly and easily.

These are just a few of the many uses for a day of the week calculator. With this tool, you can save time and better plan a series of personal and professional activities.

Why does the week have 7 days?

History tells that the first peoples to put the days together and call them the week originate from ancient Mesopotamia, who named the days of the week after the planets known at the time, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.Years later, the Romans added 2 more days to the week, honoring the sun and moon.

Over time there were some different definitions according to the region or language, but the essence remains today, and so we have the 7 days of the week.

Facts about the days of the week

Each day of the week has its own story and interesting trivia. Here is some fascinating information about each of the days of the week.

  • Monday:  Monday is the day that starts the week for many western countries, but in fact the first day of the week is Sunday. The word "Monday" comes from the Latin "Dies Lunae", which means "Day of the Moon". It is believed that Monday was dedicated to the Roman moon goddess, Luna.
  • Tuesday:  Tuesday is called "Mars day" in many languages, in honor of the Roman god of war. In Spanish, Tuesday is called "martes", in Italian it is "martedì" and in French it is "mardi". This tradition is believed to originate from ancient Rome, where people offered sacrifices to Mars on that day.
  • Wednesday:  The word "Wednesday" comes from the name of the Germanic god Woden, who was the equivalent of the Roman god Mercury. In English, Wednesday is called "Wednesday", which means "Woden's day". In many European countries, Wednesday is known as a "working day".
  • Thursday:  Thursday is called "Jupiter's day" in many languages, after the Roman god of gods. In Spanish, Thursday is called "jueves", in Italian it is "giovedì" and in French it is "jeudi". In Norse mythology, Thursday is associated with the god Thor, which mayexplain why, in some Scandinavian languages, Thursday is called"Thor's day".
  • Friday:  Friday is considered the happiest day of the week in many Western cultures. The word "Friday" comes from the Latin "Dies Veneris", which means "Day of Venus". Venus was the Roman goddess of love and beauty, and many traditions associate Friday with these concepts.
  • Saturday:  Saturday is the only day of the week that still retains its original name in many modern languages. It is believed that the name "Sabbath" comes from the Hebrew "Shabbat", which is the holy day of rest in Judaism. In many Western countries, Saturday is considered the weekend and is associated with leisure and rest.
  • Sunday:  Sunday is considered the first day of the week in many cultures and religious traditions, including Christianity and Judaism. The word "Sunday" comes from the Latin "Dies Solis", which means "Day of the Sun". Sunday is associated with the sun and many celebrations and festivals throughout history.

These are just a few curiosities about each day of the week. Each day has its own history and traditions, and it is interesting to learn more about them. The weekday calculator can be a very usefultool.

Example of using the day of the week calculator

Marina has a birthday on November 3 and decided to have a party to celebrate. But for that, she wanted the birthday to fall on a weekend.

So Marina accessed the CalculatorForUs day of the week calculator and entered the date of her next birthday which, to her surprise, would fall on a Saturday.

Therefore, Marina was very happy because she would better enjoy her birthday with family and friends in a big party.

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