
Tips for the home office

Man working at home Image by Tima Miroshnichenko via Pexels.


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With the coronavirus pandemic, remote work and home office have become the new reality for many people. For those who were already used to working from home, the transition may have been easier, but for others, it may have been a challenge. Even for those who were used to working from home, changes in schedules and routines may have been difficult to handle.

Home office has its pros and cons. While it is convenient to work from home, especially for those who do not want or cannot travel to work, it can be difficult to focus and maintain the discipline necessary to complete work tasks. The good news is that there are many tips and strategies that you can implement to make home office more productive and less stressful.

In this article, we will explore the most important tips for home office, including how to organize yourself, maintain discipline, and stay motivated. We will also discuss the pros and cons of home office, as well as professions that are more suitable for remote work. In addition, we will address some interesting facts about home office and answer some frequently asked questions on the subject.

What kind of professions are more adept?

Remote work, or home office, is not exclusive to any specific area of work. However, some jobs adapt better to the home office format than others. Here are some of the professions that are more adept at remote work:

  • Computer programming:  Computer programmers usually work on their computers, either coding, troubleshooting, or testing new features. As a result, many computer programmers can work from home or anywhere with Internet access.
  • Content writing:  Writers, journalists, and editors often work under tight deadlines, and may have the flexibility to work from home to meet those deadlines.
  • Graphic design:  Graphic designers can create logos, marketing materials, and other projects on their computers, and working remotely is a viable option.
  • Digital marketing:  Many companies are now focusing on digital marketing, which can include social media, email marketing, and other online activities. These tasks can easily be done remotely.
  • Translation:  Translators can work from home to complete translations of books, articles, legal documents, and other materials.

These are just some of the professions that adapt well to the home office. However, with continuing changes in technology and the economy, it is possible that more professions will adapt to remote work in the future.

Pros and Cons

Remote work has become increasingly common in many companies around the world. This work model can offer several benefits, but also has some challenges. Check out the main pros and cons of home office below.

  • Pros:
  • Flexibility:  One of the biggest advantages of home office is the possibility to have a more flexible routine. You can adjust your work schedule according to your personal needs, such as taking your children to school, doing physical activities, or even working at times when you are more productive.
  • Economy:  Working from home can mean savings in several aspects, such as transportation, eating out, and clothing, among others.
  • Increased productivity:  For many people, working from home can be more productive, since there are no external distractions such as conversations with co-workers or ambient noises.
  • Less stress:  For those who live in big cities, the traffic and the time lost in commuting can generate great stress. The home office can avoid this problem and contribute to the worker's quality of life.
  • Cons:
  • Lack of social interaction:  For some people, the workplace is an important space for social interaction and networking. The home office can reduce this interaction and make the worker feel isolated.
  • Difficulty in maintaining discipline:  Without an office routine, it can be difficult to maintain discipline and organization. It is important to create a daily routine and define a suitable space for work.
  • Greater responsibility:  Working from home can increase the feeling of responsibility over activities, since there are no coworkers nearby to help.
  • Difficulty in separating work and personal life:  it is common for the line between work and personal life to become blurred when working from home, which can lead to health and well-being problems.

It is important to remember that the pros and cons vary according to each person and their reality. It is important to evaluate carefully before deciding if home office is the best option for you.

Organization Tips

With the move to working from home, it can be difficult to maintain the same organization that you had at the office. However, maintaining an organized workspace is key to increasing productivity and avoiding distractions. Here are some organization tips for the home office:

  • Create a dedicated space:  It is important to have a dedicated space for your home office. This helps keep your mind on your work and avoid distractions. Make sure you have a comfortable desk and chair, as well as good lighting.
  • Keep your desk organized:  Keep your desk organized. Make sure everything you need is within reach, but don't leave your desk cluttered with unnecessary papers and objects. Have a trash can near your desk to throw away unnecessary things.
  • Use organizers:  Use drawer organizers, trays, and folders to keep your office supplies organized. This helps save time searching for specific items and increases efficiency.
  • Clean regularly:  Keep your workspace clean and organized by cleaning regularly. Take out the trash, clean the desk, and put away materials that are not in use.
  • Avoid digital disorganization:  Just as it is important to keep your physical space organized, it is important to keep your digital files organized. Create specific folders for each project and keep your files named and categorized.
  • Use a bulletin board:  A bulletin board can help keep important information in sight. Post important notes, reminders, and deadlines to help you stay focused.

By following these organization tips, you can keep your workspace clean and organized, increasing your productivity and helping to avoid distractions.

In addition, if you have children or pets at home, it can be challenging to maintain organization. Try setting boundaries and schedules so that everyone knows when it's time to work and when it's time to play.

Remember, an organized workspace can help increase productivity and reduce stress. So, take some time to organize your space and keep your work-from-home routine as productive as possible.


Remote work is already a reality for many people, especially since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. And with this, some curiosities about the home office began to emerge. Check below some curiosities about working at home:

  • Lower productivity in the first few days:  it is normal to take some time to adapt to the home office, especially if you have never worked this way before. Therefore, it is common for productivity to be a little lower in the first few days.
  • Less spending on clothes:  Working at home, many people opt for more comfortable and casual clothing, which means they don't need to spend as much on social or work clothes.
  • More flexible schedules:  With home office, it is possible to have more flexible schedules, which can be good for those who have other responsibilities besides work, such as children or taking care of the house.
  • More time savings:  Without having to commute to work, it is possible to save time and avoid traffic, which can be very positive, especially in large cities.
  • More autonomy:  Working from home, people tend to have more autonomy and responsibility over their own work, which can be very good for people who like to feel in control.
  • More difficulty separating work and personal life:  Although it is possible to keep in touch with co-workers and clients through virtual means, the home office can lead to a reduction in social interaction, which can be negative for some people.

These are just a few facts about the home office. It is important to remember that each person has his or her own experience and experience with this type of work, and it is necessary to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages according to your own reality.

What the experts say

See below what some experts say about remote work:

According to Prithwiraj Choudhury, a management professor at Harvard University, remote work is a trend that is here to stay and has the potential to be a solution for many of the challenges companies currently face, such as real estate costs and talent attraction.

For Chris Herd, founder of Firstbase, a company specializing in home office equipment, remote work is a great opportunity for companies to reduce their costs and for employees to have more quality of life and flexibility in their work.

However, some experts also warn about the risks of remote work, such as lack of personal contact and difficulty in maintaining a healthy routine. According to Jean Twenge, a psychology professor at San Diego State University, remote work can lead to loneliness and social isolation, as well as make it difficult to separate personal and professional life.

Another point raised by experts is the need for companies to offer adequate support and resources for employees who work remotely. According to human resources consultant Erica Volini of Deloitte, companies need to invest in technology, training, and benefits to ensure that employees can work efficiently and maintain their quality of life.

In addition, experts point out that remote work is not suitable for all types of professions and activities. For example, jobs that require a lot of social interaction or specialized equipment may be more difficult to perform remotely. On the other hand, professions that mainly involve intellectual work and computer use can benefit greatly from remote work.

In summary, experts agree that remote work can bring many benefits, but it is important for companies and employees to be prepared to face the challenges of this work modality. Technology, training, and clear and frequent communication are essential to the success of remote work.


By the end of this article, we hope you have gained a broad and complete understanding of tips and best practices for working from home. Although working from home can offer more flexibility and convenience in terms of schedules and work environment, it is important to remember that it requires discipline, organization, and adaptation to a new work style.

As mentioned earlier, some of the key tips for working from home include creating a suitable work environment, establishing a routine, managing time effectively, communicating clearly and efficiently, and taking care of physical and mental health.

Despite the many benefits, it is also important to consider the possible downsides of working from home, such as the lack of social interaction, difficulty in maintaining a work-life balance, and the need for self-discipline to stay motivated and productive.

In addition, professions that are most suited to working from home include IT professionals, writers, designers, software developers, consultants, digital marketing professionals, among others. However, more and more companies are adapting to working from home, making this option viable for various fields of work.

Experts also discuss the positive and negative aspects of remote work, and how it can be a good option for some and not so much for others. Technology has been a great facilitator of remote work, and available tools allow for effective communication, collaboration, and project management.

Finally, it is important to highlight that working from home is not just a temporary option, but it is also a trend that is here to stay. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated this trend, and many companies are realizing that remote work can be a viable option to maintain productivity, reduce costs, and offer more flexibility to employees.

Therefore, it is essential for professionals to be prepared for this new reality and to adopt the best practices and tips to ensure their productivity and physical and mental health. With a little discipline, organization, and motivation, it is possible to successfully work from home and reap the benefits of this increasingly popular work modality.

Frequently asked questions about the subject

What is home office?

Home office is a work modality in which the professional exercises his activities remotely, without having to be physically present in an office or company.

What are the main advantages of home office?

The main advantages of home office are flexible work schedules, time and money saved on commuting, the possibility to work in a more comfortable and personalized environment, and stress reduction.

What are the main disadvantages of home office?

The main disadvantages of home office are the lack of social interaction, the difficulty of establishing boundaries between personal and professional life, and the need for discipline and organization to maintain productivity.

What tools do I need to work at home office?

The tools needed to work in a home office include a computer or laptop, a stable Internet connection, a telephone or headset for communication, and project and task management software.

How to establish a productive home office routine?

It is important to set fixed hours to work, have a suitable and organized environment to work in, avoid distractions, take regular breaks, and plan the day's tasks.

How to deal with the feeling of isolation in a home office?

It is important to maintain regular contact with co-workers, friends, and family, establish an exercise routine, and practice hobbies and activities that bring pleasure and well-being.

How to stay motivated at home office?

It is important to set clear and challenging goals, reward yourself for work well done, maintain communication with coworkers, and maintain a pleasant and inspiring work environment.

How to communicate effectively at home office?

It is important to use appropriate communication tools such as e-mail, instant messaging, video conferencing, and phone calls, to maintain a professional and cordial tone, and to have an adequate response time.

How to separate personal and professional life in a home office?

It is important to set fixed times for work and personal activities, to have a separate work environment from the rest of the house, to turn off the computer and the cell phone after work, and to set clear limits for yourself.

How to deal with the lack of structure in a home office?

It is important to create an organized and appropriate work routine and environment, use project and task management tools, and seek inspiration in public spaces such as libraries and coffee shops.

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