
How to save money?

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Saving money is an important skill that can help people achieve their financial goals. Whether it's for a trip, buying a house, paying for college, or having an emergency fund, saving money is essential to reaching these goals.

In this article, we'll talk about the history of money, examples of how to save money, the ideal age to start learning how to save money, interesting facts about saving money, frequently asked questions, and tips for getting started with saving.

Why is saving money important?

Undoubtedly, the practice of saving money is one of the most important skills a person can have to achieve financial stability and eventually financial independence. Saving money can help ensure you're prepared for unexpected financial emergencies, reach long-term financial goals, and reduce overall financial stress.

In addition, saving money can help establish healthy financial habits. By learning to live with less and saving for the future, you may be more inclined to think long-term and make wiser, more thoughtful financial decisions. For instance, instead of focusing on immediate and impulsive spending, you may start prioritizing the long-term value of your financial decisions, such as saving for a house, a trip, or retirement.

It's also worth noting that the habit of saving money can help reduce debt. If you're able to save money regularly, you may be less likely to rely on loans or credit cards to cover unexpected expenses. Additionally, saving money can help increase your ability to manage debt, making it easier to handle existing debt payments.

Therefore, having the habit of saving money is one of the best things you can do to ensure a secure and comfortable financial future. Starting to save now, regardless of how little or much you earn, can have a significant impact on your long-term financial life. Remember that every small step in the right direction can help you achieve your financial goals and live the life you want.

The money story

Money has existed for thousands of years and was created to facilitate the exchange of goods and services. Before money, people used barter, which was the direct exchange of products. Over time, the need for a more practical and universal means of exchange emerged.

The first coins appeared in Asia Minor in the 7th century BC and were made of precious metals such as gold, silver, and bronze. As the years went by, money evolved and notes and checks were created to facilitate financial transactions.

Examples of saving money

There are many ways to save money and each person should find the best strategy for themselves. Some examples of how to save money include:

  •  Creating a monthly budget to control expenses and identify where it's possible to save;
  •  Avoiding impulse purchases and thinking twice before making a purchase;
  •  Looking for promotions and discounts before making a purchase;
  •  Avoiding waste of water, electricity, and food;
  •  Investing in fixed-income options to make the money grow.

What is the ideal age to start learning how to save money?

There is no right age to start learning how to save money. The earlier children learn about finances, the better their financial development will be in the future.

Parents can start teaching about saving early on, for example, by giving allowance and guiding on how to manage that money. It is also important for schools to include financial education in their curriculum, so that students can develop financial skills from an early age.

How much should each one save?

Certainly, saving money is an important habit to keep personal finances in check and achieve long-term financial goals, such as retirement, real estate purchases, travel, among others. However, many people have doubts about how much they should save according to their monthly income.

There is no single answer to this question, as the amount each person should save depends on various factors, such as lifestyle, financial goals, age, among others. However, some personal finance experts suggest the so-called 50/30/20 rule, which stipulates that 50% of monthly income should be allocated to essential expenses, such as housing, transportation, and food; 30% should be allocated to personal expenses, such as leisure and entertainment; and the remaining 20% should be saved.

This rule can serve as an initial guideline for those who want to start saving money, but it is important to remember that each person should adapt it according to their needs and financial goals. Moreover, it is important to cultivate the habit of saving money from an early age, so that it becomes part of the routine and does not seem like a sacrifice.

Regardless of the amount one intends to save, it is important to remember that every small economy makes a difference in the long run. Some simple habits, such as preparing meals at home, avoiding impulse purchases, and researching prices before making a purchase, can help reduce expenses and increase the capacity for saving.

Finally, it is important to remember that relying on resources that assist in financial organization is always a good idea. In addition to tracking monthly expenses and revenues, a financial control spreadsheet can help establish savings goals and monitor progress over time. On our website, you can find several online financial tools, such as compound interest calculators and investment simulators, which can assist in financial planning and making more conscious and informed decisions.

What expenses can you cut back on to save more money?

One of the main ways to save money is by reducing unnecessary expenses. However, it can be difficult to identify these expenses, especially when they have become habits in our daily lives. Here are some suggestions for expenses that can be cut to save more money:

  • Streaming services:  with the popularity of streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+ and others, many people are spending a significant amount of money per month on subscriptions to these services. One way to save money is to choose one or two services that you actually use and cancel the others. Additionally, it is possible to share accounts with friends or family, thus splitting the costs.
  • Phone plans:  many people spend a lot of money on phone plans that offer more data, minutes, and other features than they really need. It's important to evaluate data usage, minutes, and other features to choose a more suitable and economical plan.
  • Eating out:  eating out can be a big temptation, but it can end up costing a lot of money. It's important to plan meals in advance and bring lunch to work or school. This not only reduces expenses, but is also a healthier option.
  • Electricity:  a significant amount of money can be saved by reducing electricity consumption at home. Turning off electronic devices when not in use, switching incandescent bulbs to LED, using air conditioning moderately, and turning off lights when leaving a room are some measures that can be taken.
  • Water:  reducing water consumption at home can also bring great savings. Some examples of measures that can be taken are: fixing leaks, not leaving the tap running while brushing teeth or shaving, taking shorter showers, and reusing water whenever possible.
  • Transportation:  using the car every day can be a significant expense. It's important to evaluate whether it's possible to use public transportation or a bicycle to save on fuel and vehicle maintenance. If the car is necessary, it's important to do preventive maintenance and drive carefully to save fuel.
  • Impulse buying:  avoiding impulse buying is one of the most effective ways to save money. Before buying something, it's important to evaluate if you really need that product and if the price is fair. Additionally, it's important to set a monthly budget for shopping expenses and stick to it.

In summary, identifying unnecessary expenses is an important part of being able to save money. Reducing these expenses and replacing them with more economical options can help achieve financial goals. Always remember to evaluate the cost-benefit of each expense and look for more economical options without compromising quality of life.

Curiosities about saving money

Interesting facts about saving money can be found all over the world. For example, in Chinese culture, saving money is highly valued and having a "golden nest egg" is believed to bring good luck and prosperity. Additionally, many countries have their own traditions and beliefs related to saving and personal finance.

In Scandinavia, for instance, it is common for people to share tips on household savings and how to save money. This sharing culture is an effective way to teach people how to save money and manage their finances. In France, people often save money in special savings accounts known as "livret A," which offer significantly higher interest rates than regular bank accounts.

In Africa, many people participate in a traditional savings system called "tontine." This system involves a group of people who contribute a fixed amount of money regularly and then withdraw money from the group according to their needs. This savings method can be an effective way to save money in communities with little access to financial institutions.

In many cultures, saving is seen as a way to build a better future and provide financial security for oneself and one's family. Regardless of cultural traditions, saving money is an important skill that can improve anyone's quality of life.

It is also interesting to note that many companies offer savings programs for their employees, encouraging them to save money for retirement or other financial goals. Additionally, many countries offer tax incentives for those who contribute to their retirement accounts.

In summary, saving is an important and valued practice in many cultures and regions of the world. Knowing how to save money is a crucial skill for achieving financial independence and improving quality of life.


In summary, saving money is an important skill that we should all learn from an early age. There are many ways to save, from small changes in daily habits to more complex investments. The key is to have discipline and persistence to regularly save.

Remember that there is no magic formula for saving money, each person must find the best strategy according to their needs and lifestyle. However, following some basic tips can help create a solid foundation for your personal finances.

So, start putting some of the ideas presented in this article into practice today and feel in control of your financial life. With planning and dedication, you can achieve your goals and ensure a more peaceful and secure life.

It is important to remember that saving is a habit that requires discipline and patience, but can bring great benefits in the long term. We hope this article has been helpful to you and provided valuable insights and tips to help you save money. Remember that our website is always available to offer more articles and resources on financial education and online financial tools to help you manage your finances. We wish you success in your financial journey!

Frequently asked questions about the subject

Why should I save money?

Saving money is important for having a financial reserve for emergencies, achieving long-term goals such as retirement, and having more financial freedom and security in the future.

What's the best way to start saving money?

The best way to start saving money is by setting a specific financial goal and creating a realistic and achievable action plan. It's also important to reduce unnecessary expenses and consider investing part of your income in a high-interest savings account.

How much should I save per month?

This varies according to your income, lifestyle, and financial goals. However, many experts recommend saving at least 20% of your net income per month.

Should I pay off my debts before starting to save money?

It depends on the type of debt you have. If you have high-interest debts such as credit cards, it's better to pay them off first before starting to save money. If you have lower-interest debts such as student loans or mortgages, it may be possible to balance debt repayment and savings.

How can I stay motivated to save money?

One way to stay motivated is to visualize your financial goals and the benefits of achieving them. Additionally, tracking your progress and celebrating small victories can help maintain motivation.

How can I resist the temptation to spend money?

Some ways to resist the temptation to spend money include setting a realistic budget, avoiding consumption triggers such as stores or shopping websites, and finding ways to have fun and relax that don't involve excessive spending.

Is it possible to save money even with a low salary?

Yes, it's possible to save money regardless of salary. This may require more discipline and creativity, such as reducing expenses, considering additional jobs, or finding ways to increase income.

How can I teach my children to save money?

It's important to teach children the importance of money and how to manage it from an early age. This may include assigning tasks to earn an allowance, encouraging saving a portion of money received, and teaching the difference between needs and wants. It's also important to lead by example and practice healthy financial habits.

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